Welcome to Bennett's World: a collection of articles and references covering a wide variety of topics in which I am involved. I am a very political person but I have no allegiance to any political party. Follow me on twitter @colinhove

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Stop the War Coalition

I am a keen member of the Stop the War Coalition. Apart from campaigning against the various wars that the UK is addicted to, the Coaltion sends out very useful emails containing indispensable information. This is often information the BBC and other mainstream media ignore.

I strongly suggest that those of you so-minded, join the Coalition or at least makes use of their website:


I draw your attention to an important anti-war conference being held at the Friends House in London on 9 February 2013. It should be an epoch-making event and it has a lot of knowledgeable speakers. Here is the hyperlink for that conference:



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