Welcome to Bennett's World: a collection of articles and references covering a wide variety of topics in which I am involved. I am a very political person but I have no allegiance to any political party. Follow me on twitter @colinhove

Friday, July 03, 2009

Fourth posting of 3 July 2009

Those of us who have campaigned in the last few years for the retention of the Carnegie Library in Hove received a further fillip on 20 April 2009. The Council had agreed to open this library every Monday afternoon. This was to encourage school children, who perhaps did not have ideal facilities at home, to attend the library after school. The Library is now thus open 6 days a week-a situation that has not obtained for many, many years. Here I pay tribute to Christopher Hawtree of Hove, an ardent public library enthusiast, who led the campaign to save the Library from closure by the Council who must have been crazy to decide to do that.


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